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Updated 30/12/2015




INFO 16/06/2011

Contest in Italy

I went to Italy on May 14 and I won, but the second contest could not be held because of the bad weather. It was pushed back to June 12. I went back again, with Alain Roux and Jean-Luc Drapeau.

There were five of us in the Fly-off including us three: Alain was 1st, Jean-Luc 2nd and I who could do no better was 5th. However, we won the team event.

We spent more than two hours trying find Alain’s model, and the organizer, Maurizio Tomazzoni came looking for us. Because of this we received our trophies on the road as you can see from the photographs.

We dined quickly at the village and set out again at about 21:00. At 3:00 am we arrived at Crest-Voland where we spent the night, then left at 9:00 Monday morning to arrive at Faverolles at about16:00. Jean-Luc set out again on to St Maixent and Alain on to Paris.

A excellent week-end and especially the team, in super form before the World Championships in Serbia at the end of August. We three in the top 10 for the World cup, Alain at the head with 40 points advantage over second place. There are still 6 competitions remaining to further improve our positions…!



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